About us
The School of Biological Sciences consists of approximately 300 undergraduate students, 60 graduate students, 16 full time faculty members, plus support staff and part time lecturers.
The School office is located in room 2480 of the Ross Hall of Sciences complex on west campus along 11th avenue, just a short walk from the Michener Library. Follow these links for Driving Directions to the University and a Campus Parking Map.
How to contact us
University of Northern Colorado
School of Biological Sciences
Campus Box 92
501 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80639
Telephone: (970) 351-2921
Fax: (970) 351-2335
E-mail: biology@dcvg-cn.com
Undergraduate students
Our students come from near and far. Many come from UNC’s hometown of Greeley, Colorado. Many come from other parts of Colorado or from other states. And many students come from countries around the globe. Our diverse student body is working toward professional careers as biomedical researchers, pharmacists, health care professionals, laboratory technicians, wildlife managers, plant ecologists, K-12 school teachers and more. All have chosen UNC because of the supportive environment, interactive community, and overall value that it offers to its students.
Our small upper-division courses allow students to choose the content that is right for them and to interact closely with their professors. Most of our students engage in original research in biological laboratories, and are given opportunities to present that research at UNC as well as at local and national conferences. Those with common interests connect through student organizations including the Biology Club, the Pre-Health Professionals Club, the Student Leadership for Environmental Action Fund, the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science, and the Tri-Beta National Honors Society. The UNC biology community supports our students during their undergraduate program and prepares them for the next step, whether that be further study or a career in the biological sciences.
Graduate students
Graduate students in the School of Biological Sciences come from diverse backgrounds and locations around the world including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and all over the United States. The unique cultural and educational backgrounds of our students bring an important added value to our program. The research projects that our graduate students pursue are just as diverse. Many different organisms are being studied using techniques at the forefront of cell biology, genetics, evolution, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and other subfields of biology, including biological education.
Our graduate students take advantage of our small student focused graduate classes, research-based learning opportunities, and the ability to interact closely with faculty and staff. Graduate students in our program also benefit from a collegial and social community of fellow students who help and support each other inside and outside of the classroom. Funding is available for most graduate students through Teaching Assistant positions or other sources.
The biology faculty are active in teaching and research in the spirit of the student-centered Teacher/Scholar Model. Faculty expertise ranges from molecular biology to ecology with many research areas in between. Due to our small size and typical open-door policy, the biology faculty have close professional interactions with undergraduate and graduate students. There are also strong collaborative traditions within the School and between other programs.
Teaching. The Biological Sciences faculty are committed to innovative teaching excellence. Teaching is the highest priority at UNC which means that the faculty are accessible and provide a personalized learning experience with small class sizes and state-of-the-art facilities. The faculty are active in research and other professional activities which means that students will receive cutting-edge instruction from a faculty with real-world experience.
Research. The Biological Sciences faculty are committed to the advancement of their fields, the understanding of our environment, and the improvement of our health through cutting edge research. The research programs in biology are highly diverse, a reflection of the varied expertise of the faculty which includes pedagogy, environmental sciences, cell and molecular biology, organismal biology, ecology, human biology, and others. Discovery and the scientific approach to the pursuit of truth is at the core of the study of biology. This rational process to understanding our world is at the core of the training that undergraduate and graduate students receive in biology, and that is why students are a part of the science that is done at UNC.
Service. Service to the University, College, School, and Community is a part of each faculty member's commitment to the community, Colorado and the world.